With a clear vision in mind, we have set forth on a transformative journey that has redefined our purpose and direction whilst always remembering where we came from. Our commitment to excellence and innovation has led to the implementation of strategic initiatives that not only enhance our membership experience but also empower us to make a positive impact on the wider Australian Special Air Services Associations, SAS Family and community.
Through these endeavours, we have strengthened our position as a leading force within the Australian Special Air Services Association and SAS Family groups , setting a benchmark for others to follow.
A Special General Meeting (SGM) is to be held to endorse a new constitution that updates the registered ASASA WA version at the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety in 2001. The proposed Constitution conveys ASASA WA into line with current legislation within West Australia . This will also allow Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status under our legal governance to be applied for.
This year has seen an increase in new member applications, and this is most probably due to the recruiting drive by the committee within the ASASA WA. There has also been an increase in patronage at the Happy Hours and planned events. This is most pleasing.
The Rendezvous Magazine was sent out in hard copy to all members of the ASASAS WA membership. The sending of the hard copy has been welcomed by all who received it. This will be an ongoing arrangement in the coming years.

1-Dec-23 Friday
Macca McCormack
2-Dec-23 Saturday
Army Golf WA Xmas Party
Mark Salmon
3-Dec-23 Sunday
Childrens Xmas Party
Children of the Regt
7-Dec-23 Thursday
Committee Xmas Dinner - Al Fornetto Restaurant
Committee and Partners
Past events have been well attended and we plan a full calendar for 2025 so stay tuned!
The SAS Resources Trust was formed in 1996 as a result of the Blackhawk helicopter tragedy, which occurred outside Townsville, Queensland on 12 June 1996. In 2012 the Trust was renamed the SAS Resources Fund. The Board of Trustees oversees the SAS Resources Fund, to which charitable donations are made and distributed as required to the various Trusts established to support SASR.
SAS Resources Trust : This Trust is a perpetual Trust Fund which provides relief to current and former members of SASR who become deceased or permanently disabled in or as a result of operational service or in training.

SAS Resources Trust No 2: The Trustees saw a need for a second Trust to allow it to help more members of SASR who did not qualify for assistance under the terms of our Primary Trust.
SAS Resources Trust No 3: This new Trust was established in May 2011 for the purpose of promoting the comfort, recreation and welfare of current serving members of SASR who, in the opinion of the Commanding Officer taking into consideration the mental, physical and emotional welfare of the members, require it as a result of service in the Regiment.
The advocacy and wellbeing section of the ASASA WA operates from within the Frank Skyes room within the, The House of the ASASA WA. The room has been set up to accommodate areas for advocacy volunteers to engage with the clients. Future BEST grant funding will enhance this set up.

Advocacy and Welfare group of the WA Branch of the ASAS Assn consists of:
Compensation Advocate Level 3 (located in Broome),
Compensation Advocate Level 2 at the House,
3 x Trainee Compensation Advocates at the House all completing E-Learning Level 1,
Wellbeing Advocate Level 1 at the House,
2 x Trainee Wellbeing Advocates at the House registered for but haven’t commenced E-Learning Level 1 at the House,
Training activities continue at the House each week before scheduled interviews are commenced.
We aim to secure a Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA) “Veteran Wellbeing Grant” ( DVAVWG) for a project to upgrade the Australian Special Air Service Association of WA (ASASA WA) facility located at Campbell Barracks Swanbourne in Financial Year 2023 to 30 June 2024.

Carpark. Provide a sealed carpark adjacent to the Association facility and safe access and mobility, for disabled and aged patrons.
Safe Access. Provide safe pedestrian and wheelchair access to the Association facility from the sealed carpark to the existing wheelchair access.
Stairs and Weatherproofing. Upgrade and re-align the existing access stairs access with weather-proofing over the stairs , the existing personnel lift and verandah.
Workstations. Provide and install five internal workstations for well-being and advocacy interviews, to better utilize new purchases of IT communications equipment and work stations for the advocates and wellbeing volunteers.