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Submission from The Australian Special Air Service Association to Veterans Law Reform Pathway 2023

Veterans Law Reform Pathway 2023


The Australian Special Air Service Association (ASASA) commends the government for its

decision to draw the three Acts into one piece of legislation based on MRCA with the

grandfathering of the VEA and DRCA. The object of the reform must be a simpler, and more

effective service within budget parameters which is easier for both veterans and public

servants to navigate and use.

Basis of Pathway for consultation

We agree with the stated consultation process, but caution that the critical stage will be

detailed consultation based on draft legislation. We ask for the opportunity for further

comment upon promulgation of the draft Bill. The ASASA has a suitable officer who could

participate in a writing team or consultative team if requested. The ASASA strongly urges that

the Bill be referred to a relevant parliamentary committee at the relevant parliamentary


Reform Philosophy

Scope. Success must be more than simply the consolidation of three Acts into one. This reform

process must deliver efficiencies and better services. It is a chance to harmonise, streamline

and simplify this process of government to make it easier to navigate and use for both

veterans and the public service and to effect savings for redirection form administration into

services. The broader opportunity must not be missed. The problem to be solved is to

eliminate the backlog of claims, further improve claims management, better support veterans

and to deliver improved government services. The solution is not necessarily to grow the size

of DVA or government by hiring more public servants and growing bureaucracy. More

efficient legislation and process can enable existing resources and staff to improve


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