The ACT Branch stated purpose and future credibility with contemporary SOF veterans.
• Discussion included the need to establish / consider funds for future activities, s the ACT Executive has not been collecting membership fees in a formal manner. Member’s categorization was linked to a levy payment for the ANZAC Dinner or cash paid at for ‘attendance’ at the AGM.
• This governance, while practical for the period, is now not optimal. The $ inputs have been depleted and there is now a requirement to re-establish the operating fund and be ‘black letter’ compliant with the Constitution. Accordingly, discussion on the
potential funding options and member governance, fees (and the quantum): led to the proposal to establish a fee.

A creative campaign of positive storytelling
Reunion activity to coincide with the SASR Beret presentation currently planned for December 24 at Campbell Barracks. More specific details on the program and the sequence of events in the lead up to the Beret presentation will be confirmed as soon as practicable.
The ACT Branch has submitted a “Saluting Their Service” Grant to DVA, seeking funding for as exciting project in partnership with Jeff Hughes CEO of the team.
Golden Road - Re-Booted=Reunion
984 SAS Selection Course 40th Reunion
The concept is to use the existing 40-year-old award winning documentary titled The Battle for the Golden Road to promote contemporary positive storytelling opportunities. More to follow as the funding decision is known.
- Fri, Apr 04Commonwealth Club
Connect build and leverage our ‘Special’ networks.
The venue here today and the conduct of this AGM in location is further consolidation of the intention to utilize the Canberra Services Club (CSC) Barton as the Act Branch ‘Home LUP’ and primary RV for Events, Happy Hours and ANZAC Day – and or Commemorative reflections and celebrations.
As is publicly available, the CSC has commenced an ambitious program to revitalize and refocus on supporting voluntary organizations, Charities, Associations and like entities.
The SAS Resources Trust was formed in 1996 as a result of the Blackhawk helicopter tragedy, which occurred outside Townsville, Queensland on 12 June 1996. In 2012 the Trust was renamed the SAS Resources Fund. The Board of Trustees oversees the SAS Resources Fund, to which charitable donations are made and distributed as required to the various Trusts established to support SASR.
SAS Resources Trust : This Trust is a perpetual Trust Fund which provides relief to current and former members of SASR who become deceased or permanently disabled in or as a result of operational service or in training.

SAS Resources Trust No 2: The Trustees saw a need for a second Trust to allow it to help more members of SASR who did not qualify for assistance under the terms of our Primary Trust.
SAS Resources Trust No 3: This new Trust was established in May 2011 for the purpose of promoting the comfort, recreation and welfare of current serving members of SASR who, in the opinion of the Commanding Officer taking into consideration the mental, physical and emotional welfare of the members, require it as a result of service in the Regiment.
The advocacy and wellbeing section of the ASASA WA operates from within the Frank Skyes room within the, The House of the ASASA WA. The room has been set up to accommodate areas for advocacy volunteers to engage with the clients. Future BEST grant funding will enhance this set up.

Advocacy and Welfare group of the WA Branch of the ASAS Assn consists of:
Compensation Advocate Level 3 (located in Broome),
Compensation Advocate Level 2 at the House,
3 x Trainee Compensation Advocates at the House all completing E-Learning Level 1,
Wellbeing Advocate Level 1 at the House,
2 x Trainee Wellbeing Advocates at the House registered for but haven’t commenced E-Learning Level 1 at the House,
Training activities continue at the House each week before scheduled interviews are commenced.
Purpose Celebrating our Shared Service and telling our Story.
The purpose of this project is to celebrate our shared service and reflect on the values of the regiment. This project aims to connect us together as a cohort of reinforcements and use the documentary as a centerpiece to tell our story in a contemporary setting, 40 years later. This initiative is part of a DVA-funded Saluting Their Services programme of grants to veteran organizations.

Project Overview: The Battle for the Golden Road (BFGR) – 40-Rebooted
The project focuses on commemorating the service of SAS Veterans through a series of podcasts and videos, utilizing the existing 40-year-old award-winning documentary by local WA filmmaker Guy Baskin, which recorded in unique detail the 1984 SAS Selection Course. As part of wider ASAS initiatives, a Grant application has been submitted to DVA under the ‘Saluting Their Service’ program, with a decision expected in mid-September 2024.
The project will identify key characters from the '84 selection cycle and develop specific human-interest stories demonstrating their service and the progression of SOCOMD capability and roles in the intervening period. It will produce 8-10 episodes/podcasts consisting of interviews with main characters, reflecting their story to now and the 40th anniversary.
Warrior Wellness + Stronger Together = Best Days Ahead
Our ‘Special’ lived experiences and shared Service.
In the lead up to the SASR 60th Anniversary in early September 24, a number of the ACT group are discussing plans and very much looking forward to joining the week of celebrations. This will set the scene for a very purposeful ASAS National Executive AGM on 9 Sep 24.
I will brief the key agenda items and offer an update and situational insights as part of my verbal brief at the AGM, noting as outlined, the National AGM focus will be on optimizing Governance, primarily via be ongoing work to update the national constitution with all of the detailed consultation.

Most recently this ‘theme’ was evidenced when I attended the ASAS-Q hosted commemoration event at Bribie Island in the Veterans Park. This annual service at the SAS Memorial Wall and following lunch and storytelling was a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our heritage and the sacrifices involved. I was privileged to be able to spend time with Graham Brammer and the photos below seek to capture the Special Shared service ethos. “Who Dares Wins”